Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1, 2009

Today was a good day. The kids did great before church. Derek and I told the kids that if they faught with one of their siblings they would have to give the kid they were fighting with 10 pieces of candy, and we got to choose which pieces were given. This worked so well. This was the only time I ever wished my kids to always have a bucket of candy!

Church was busy and went by very fast. Being the Secretary and getting ready for the Primary Program equals a lot of tasks. I did have time to notice that Tori does great going to class now. Early childhood is giving her the structure she needs. Which gives me a big smile!

Derek, Issabell,Isaac and Tori went down to Overton to check on the dogs and goats at the farm. He just called to report that Snowball is missing and they are fixing the hole she made then will go look for her. This happens way too much!

Yes, I am going to be devoted to writing the little everyday things that happen in our house.

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